Thursday, February 28, 2013

SMH 3: The Winners!

Assalamualaikum beautiful!

Bismillahhirrohmannirrohim.. Please meet the winners of Such! Model Hunt 3..

 Farhana Hakim
20 y.o, Jakarta
"Her cheerfulness and humbleness grab our attention so much! and of course camera love her.."

Ananda Suci Munggaran
19 y.o, Bandung
"Calm, graceful yet charming on set and in front of camera as well.. The reason why we chose her.."

 Erna Febriani
27 y.o, Jakarta
"Her sincere smile and great personality bring us to her and chose her as one of the winner.."

 Futri Virginia Yusuf
22 y.o, Balikpapan
"Kind in person and fierce when strike a pose! Love her eyes and body language.."

Rizky Annisa
20 y.o, Pekanbaru
"Another cheerful personality and she knows her angle so well.. We love her, camera love her!"

And the girls remain, don't lose heart, the opportunity is still wide open.. :)
We are family now, so keep in touch and keep our silaturahim strong and even stronger..
Wish that we can get together again in the future..

Best of luck for all SMH3 participants, thank you very much for your support, see you again at the next Such! Model Hunt.. (Insyaallah..)

Alhamdulillah.. Wassalam..

*for all the winners, we will email you very soon, just wait :)

Special thanks to our partners:

Misla Muslimah Boutique
The Dream's Cake

Azalea Accessories

Zaura Models

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Day with The Top 25 and ZAURA Models

Assalamualaikum Gorgeous!

Wow.. What a great weeekend for all of us. Yes, we were able to meet the top 25 in person.. Alhamdulillah.. Acara meet n greet bertempat di MISLA Muslimah Boutique di daerah Kemandoran, Jakarta Selatan. The place was great! and the host Mrs. Ola Aswandi also very friendly lhoo.. FYI, you can find Such! products there, if you want to buy them directly.. :)

Acara dimulai pukul 10.00.. ya dimulai dengan perkenalan singkat antara Suci, owner of Such! by Suci Utami and the top 25 girls. Kegiatan perkenalan selalu menyenangkan karena bisa jadi "ice breaker" agar suasanya tidak terlalu kaku dan perkenalan bisa jadi lebih luwes. 

Dresscode untuk meet n greet hari itu adalah warna abu-abu, hitam dan pink. And yes, the girls were wearing that shades of color. And they all looks gorgeous yet stunning! wuihh.. Subhanallah.. Para finalis ini manis-manis sekali lho.. dan mereka berasal dari tempat tinggal, background pekerjaan yang berbeda beda. Can you imagine ada yang terbang dari Pekan Baru ke Jakarta, ada juga yang dari bandung jam 4 pagi to be on time.. ada yang pekerjaannya sebagai mahasiswi tehnik industri, calon dokter bahkan seorang Polisi Wanita berpangkat briptu! waaaaa.. senang sekali bertemu dengan mereka semua..

Para peserta dengan sabar dan somehow we can feel their heartbeat while waiting for kakak-kakak dari ZAURA Models datang.. Yup! SMH kali ini bekerjasama dengan ZAURA Models, yaitu agensi model muslimah pertama yang dipelopori oleh Ka Lulu Elhasbu dan kawan-kawan. So yes, they are all waiting for Ka Lulu Elhasbu.

Alhamdulillah tepat pukul 10.30 kakak-kakak dari ZAURA Models pun datang.. Ada Ka Lulu Elhasbu, Ka Witha dan Ashfi Ayparla. MasyaAllah, when they walked in to the room.. they took our breath away with their charm.. seriously pretty! So lucky to have them for our event.. Zaura memberikan materi modeling class.. Materi besarnya terbagi 2, yaitu apa sih model ituu? dan prakteknya yaitu cara jalan catwalk dan pose..

And here we go, Ashfi memperagakan cara berjalan ala model catwalk.. Again, it was a jaw dropping moment.. keren bgt! 

After that, satu per satu finalis diminta untuk memperagakan hal serupa.. Jalan catwalk.. Yes it is a good chance for them to shine..

 Ka Lulu coaching them how to make turn on stage.. dan para peserta pun ramai-ramai mencoba.. Ternyata gak mudah lho..

Modeling class pun ditutup dengan masing-masing pembicara dari Zaura menunjukan cara jalannya dan posenya.. Even professional model has their own way to walk and pose. Still, kata kuncinya be yourself.. Setiap individu itu unik.. :)

Thank you very much girls! InsyaAllah silaturahmi ini akan terus terjalin panjang dan mudah-mudahan ilmu yang didapat hari itu bisa bermanfaat untuk seterusnya. Pengumuman pemenang dari Such! Model Hunt 3 akan diumumkan pada tanggal 20 Februari 2013. There will be 3 winners (insyaAllah).. So stay tune!